Let Your Data Take Your Business to Higher Grounds
Futuristic Investigation Mechanism
Availability of precise information about security from across your sites, resources and assets & access to area manager in case of emergency
Intelligent Management of all Incidents
Effective program validating the containment and eradication of incident With minimal impact and enhanced response time
Security analysis & Risk Profile
Reports and statistics to explain data that is captured, variance and correlations used to draw inferences explaining possible threats
Quick Tracking of Threat & Resolution
Model that enables you to quickly detect and escalate any event or procedure violation and track its resolution lifecycle through dashboard
We go beyond what is expected, In devising strategies for expected and unexpected emergencies
Highly Customizable Process Automation
Transparent evaluation of data pattern, frequencies of exceptions, delays, accountability, competency Or System issues in one panel
Generate beats in Real time
Mitigate any possible risk while our sophisticated application that populates location to the resource dashboard
Indicators for Measuring Compliance
Get accurate insights on resource deployment, their training scores & security matrix with respect to incident and emergency control
Enhanced Visibility across all shifts
Automatic alert at every shift juncture with complete recapitulation of former shift details to fast-track any intervention for risk mitigation
Stay ahead of the threat curve with tactical structures & technology guided moves
Real time Insights of all resource
Get a Site-Wide View of all locations in one panel & find out where your resources are at any given time and their field activities
Automated Access to all Entry & Exit Archives
Ultra-insight on all incoming & outgoing man, material, machinery statistics within any facility at any given point at the touch of your finger
Personalized Tool for Data Analysis
Intuitive dashboard made available to empower you to make your own graphical representation of multitude of data captured from our systems
Strategy Screens for Decision Making
Security leaders in the board room can exercise deployment, multitude of communications & implement action plans in real-time
We have changed the Security Process Powering you with Modern
Risk Frameworks
AI based Information Representation
Real-time scrapping of large number of algorithms covering 100% of all data from classified devices on-ground to deliver information
360-degree View of Property Risk Levels
Receive a RiskScore for each inventory, location and asset empowering stakeholders adopt proactive security measures
Access to Multi-Level Data
Minimizing time-to-insight by providing all data stored in individual data-center with prognosis of threat interrogations and gaps in the system
Digital Validation of Performance in crisis
Software validating emergency preparedness, knowledge, alertness of resource at every location & bringing at your finger-tips